
Transformation Coaching: Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Transformation Coaching: Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Are you tired of just getting by? Of going through the motions, feeling like life is a monotonous cycle of simply surviving, not really living? You're not alone. Many people find themselves in a survival mode rut, feeling as though they're merely existing rather than...

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Time to celebrate all things YOU!

Time to celebrate all things YOU!

You are not like anyone else, and that's worth celebrating. Your perspective on life is unique. If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, it may be a sign that you're not content with who you are. Have you ever wondered why that is? We are brought...

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Why do we sabotage what we really want?

Why do we sabotage what we really want?

Success is something that most people strive for in their lives, yet many of us find ourselves sabotaging our own success. It's an all-too-common problem that can leave us feeling frustrated and stuck. But why do we do it? Why do we sabotage our own success? One of...

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Understanding the Stories We Tell Ourselves

Understanding the Stories We Tell Ourselves

Human beings are natural storytellers. Since the dawn of time, we have used narratives to make sense of the world around us, to communicate our experiences, and to shape our identities.  From ancient mythologies to personal anecdotes, stories have played a fundamental...

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What happens when you do the inner work?

What happens when you do the inner work?

Do you sometimes feel like a mystery to yourself? Do your emotions and reactions sometimes puzzle you? If you answered yes, then the journey of inner work might just be the exciting adventure you need. It's like embarking on the ultimate 'you' tour, full of...

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How to Get Clear about What you Really Want

How to Get Clear about What you Really Want

Before you can receive, you have to decide what you want. But when you start thinking about what you want, you may find it’s harder than you expected. Usually, when someone asks us what we want, can quite easily say what we don’t want but not what we actually want. ...

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Are you subconsciously creating obstacles for yourself?

Are you subconsciously creating obstacles for yourself?

Why when you really want something in your life do obstacles come up that get in the way of you achieving the results you want? Does it feel like you’re doing everything in your power to achieve your goals but it’s just not happening?  You’ve followed all the advice...

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Are you dedicating enough time to yourself?

Are you dedicating enough time to yourself?

Finding time to relax and recharge can be challenging when you're constantly on the move. However, it's crucial to remember that looking after yourself is just as significant as fulfilling your duties. Neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, and that can result in...

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Compare yourself to others with caution

Compare yourself to others with caution

We've all been there before, scrolling through our social media feeds and stumbling upon a photo of someone who appears to have it all figured out. Their body, job, and life seem perfect, making us wonder why we can't be more like them. These thoughts can quickly...

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Hi, I’m Louisa. Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. My blogs are all about how to help you to see how incredible you are, how to feel incredible and how to live the life you want and deserve. I also write about the things that get in our way and what we can do to change it. I share lots of other top tips on social media too, so I would love it if you had a look and if you like what I share, please follow me.

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